EXPERIENCE: SWAT TEAM LEADER (2000-PRESENT) Police Officer - Los Angeles
(Work Permit on File)
RESPONSIBILITIES: As a Senior Swat Officer, who has been selected as a Swat Team Leader, I Command entries of high risk warrants and hostage rescues Formulate tactical plans for barricaded suspects Formulate tactical plans for disposal of weapons and narcotics Formulate tactical plans for crime suppression Provide instruction of tactics to other entities of the dept and recruits Provide internal instruction to younger swat assigned officers
SWAT ELEMENT MEMBER (1991-2000): Police officer - Los Angeles, who is trained in the areas of handling special weapons and developing and deploying special tactics utilized in dealing with the below listed incidents:
Building entries Barricaded Subjects Hostage Rescue Sniper Deployments Delivery of chemical agents High risk suspect apprehension High risk warrant service Dignitary protection Explosive breaching tactics Directing climbing and rappelling tactics Directing tactical waterborne divers Negotiations with suspects and suicidal people (CNT) Instructed and trained with such elite units as DELTA FORCE, NAVY SEALS, MARINE S.O.T.G., S.E.K.
Police Officer (1980-Present/ 30 Years)
Police Officer-Academy (Recruit) Patrol Special Problems Unit Vice Detectives (Receiving stolen property unit) Undercover narcotics buy officer Jail custody officer Mounted Unit Teaching Credentials Instructor Development Course- Certification (I.D.C.) Academy Instructor Certification Course (A.I.C.C.)
The above listed courses are a requirement by the police department in Los Angeles AND POST(Police Officer Standards Testing) to instruct to recruits and in-service students within the state. Swat School Instructor Senior instructor who demonstrates and provide instruction to newly appointed swat officers during basic swat school. Crisis Negotiations Instructor
Provide newly appointed negotiators instructions in talking to suspects and suicidal people Attended and received certification from the FBI Negotiations School
EDUCATION: Ypsilanti High School (Ypsilanti, MI) Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, MI)